Kingdom Living

Kingdom Living

Kingdom Living: Where Heaven Meets Earth

Early in his ministry, Jesus, went up on a mountainside with his disciples and began to teach the crowds that had gathered around him. We call this teaching, recorded in Matthew 5-7, The Sermon on the Mount. This iconic sermon contains well known Scriptures, including the Beatitudes, and the Lord’s Prayer. But did you know that the Sermon on the Mount is not a list of dos and don'ts, or attributes for the Christ follower to attain? Jesus uses this teaching to introduce the future to the present. His words detail a new kingdom, and new king. And he teaches about the nature of the kingdom of heaven and what it looks like when one lives in the rule and reign of his kingdom, where what he says, goes.

During our 8-week study through the Sermon on the Mount, we’ll learn what kingdom living looks like, and how followers of Jesus can live now – on earth, as we will in heaven - under his Lordship.

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Kingdom Living